Can fix itself even after being reduced to scrap), Body Control and Elasticity (Can control all its individual parts, bend its body and parts in impossible ways and even elongate its parts), Can operate underwater, Can modify its weight to run on water, Smoke Manipulation (Can selectively burn its fuel to unleash sooty smoke to blind its enemies). Deven's soul is bound to the car for as long as it takes to complete his revenge), Regeneration (High-Mid. Powers and Abilities: Inorganic Physiology (Type 2), Immortality (Types 2 and 8. Deven was in his 30s or 40s at the time of his death. Gender: Inapplicable due to being a vehicle.

Origin: Taarzan: The Wonder Car (2004 Movie) Name: Taarzan (Informally), DC (Actual christened name) This also springs Deven's dormant ghost into action, who then wastes no time in using the car's new body to exact revenge on all who had wronged him. He then uses the frame and scrap metal to design his own car, a supercar, and names it DC in honor of his father. Years later, the car's frame had found its way into a scrapyard, where Deven's son, Raj, recognizes it from the Tarzan ornament present in the frame. However, Deven's grudge binds his soul to the car's body, where it lies dormant for years. Kapoor, his cronies and the corrupt inspector attack Deven and, after binding him inside his own car, push the car along with him into a lake, killing Deven via drowning. Feeling wronged, Deven approached the police, who were already under Kapoor's payroll. However, before he could get a patent for his design, it gets stolen by Rakesh Kapoor and his partners, who then register the design under their name. Car designer Deven Chaudhury spent a long time designing an amazing, futuristic SUV which was far more advanced than any other car in the market.